
“SEAL”是一个以循环利用为理念,以日本工匠的精湛技艺打造产品的品牌。 SEAL 收集废弃的轮胎内胎,将其作为包袋、鞋子等的主要材料进行再利用,同时充分利用材料的特性。 SEAL 产品是“独一无二”的,没有完全相同的两件,每件都由不同的材料制成,适合那些对自己的东西很挑剔并希望拥有与众不同的东西的人。 SEAL 向这些人提供他们可以长时间使用并产生依恋感的物品。

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  • SEAL的社会贡献活动

    自该品牌成立以来,SEAL 一直将其销售额的一部分捐赠给 WWF Japan(日本世界自然基金会),并为购买的每件产品捐赠一棵松树树苗。我们还参与了其他活动,例如在涩谷区捡垃圾,为尼泊尔的儿童捐款,为各个受灾地区捐款,这些都在为社会做点小贡献,而不仅仅是地球。我们将继续积极参与此类活动,尽我们所能帮助地球。

  • Fall in love with the design at first sight! New “Morino Hanpu Collaboration / Crossbody Backpack Bag”

    Fall in love with the design at first sight! Ne...

    Hello everyone. The cold weather has yet to subside, but let's take care of ourselves and get through this season! Now, without further ado, I would like to introduce our...

    Fall in love with the design at first sight! Ne...

    Hello everyone. The cold weather has yet to subside, but let's take care of ourselves and get through this season! Now, without further ado, I would like to introduce our...

  • Fujikura Koso Collaboration / Quilted tote BAG 2

    Fujikura Koso Collaboration / Quilted tote BAG 2

    Hello everyone.I would like to introduce a new addition to the Fujikura Koso collaboration, this bag! <FS-036 Fujikura Koso collaboration/Quilted tote BAG2>   The parachute cloth (parachute fabric) used is...

    Fujikura Koso Collaboration / Quilted tote BAG 2

    Hello everyone.I would like to introduce a new addition to the Fujikura Koso collaboration, this bag! <FS-036 Fujikura Koso collaboration/Quilted tote BAG2>   The parachute cloth (parachute fabric) used is...

  • Triangle Tote Bag

    Triangle Tote Bag

    A new tote bag with a very impressive "triangle" design, as the name suggests, is now available!   Triangle Tote Bag   The entire body is made of twill nylon...

    Triangle Tote Bag

    A new tote bag with a very impressive "triangle" design, as the name suggests, is now available!   Triangle Tote Bag   The entire body is made of twill nylon...

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